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Earning Reward Points in Salesforce with StoreConnect Customer Commerce

A guide to configure StoreConnect Customer Commerce to earn reward points via product purchases

December 15, 2023

Customer loyalty is a key component to any online campaign and reward points is a proven method to encourage this. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling your customers to earn reward points in your StoreConnect store to offer them value and keep them coming back.

This guide will use the ‘Beauty Demo Store’, which is installed with a StoreConnect Trial installation. We will configure the “Romantic Gift Box” product to earn standard rewards points, along with additional bonus points. This Romantic Gift Box product will have the following rewards points configurations at the end of the steps in this guide:

  • The Romantic Gift Box product can earn reward points
  • It will display the price in both currency and points on the product listing
  • the purchase of this product will earn 50 points, along with another 10 bonus points for a total of 60 points for each purchase
  • These points will be calculated and credited when the order is placed into ‘Verified’ status in Salesforce
  • These points will be applied to the account that the visitor is logged in under
  • These points will expire in one year
  • These points will apply to the Beauty Demo Store

Note: This guides illustrates how to enable the earning of reward points in StoreConnect. In order to configure the redemption of Rewards Points in StoreConnect, please see the next tutorial here

A series of Salesforce objects, fields and values work in conjunction to enable a customer visiting your site to earn rewards points. Once this is done, a contact associated with this account may purchase and earn.

1. Install StoreConnect

To host this on a website, we need to get StoreConnect installed, as described here

Once StoreConnect is installed, four Primary objects/values work in conjunction to enable customers to earn rewards points:

  1. ‘Order Status’ Configuration
  2. ‘Store’ Configuration
  3. ‘Price Book’ Configuration
  4. ‘Price Book’ Entry Configuration

Once these configurations are in place, points earned through purchases will show in the Account record once an order reaches a defined status. In this guide, that order status will be ‘Verified’.

Please insure that the user that is editing these configurations has access to these Salesforce Objects listed above, either via a profile or a permission set. The “StoreConnect Admin” Permission Set should allow the appropriate permissions for object access to complete this guide and will be installed automatically with the package

Order Object Configuration

StoreConnect Product showing points to be earned

Learn more about Salesforce Profiles here

Learn more about Salesforce Permissions Sets here

2. Preparing the Order Object with Status values

Our orders will need a set of status steps, it is recommended to use these as a best practice, but these can be modified to your process. StoreConnect Trial Orgs are installed with a series of default values, such as those seen in this guide

  1. Go to Setup, then click the Object Manager tab
  2. Select the Order object
  3. Select Fields and Relationships
  4. Select the Status field
  5. Insure that the Status field has entries in its picklist values. One of these values will be required for Step 4 below. This guide will use the ‘Verified’ status value as the value that will trigger a credit of reward points to the account that made the purchase.

Order Object Configuration

3. Preparing the Pricing section of the Store Record for Reward Points

The “Store” record contains a series of base configurations for the individual storefront including header/footer, graphic theming, the locale, rewards points and other settings.

  1. Open the StoreConnect “Store” from the StoreConnect CMS dropdown.
  2. Select the ‘Beauty Demo Store’ from the Store records StoreConnect Store Pricing Display Configuration
  3. Scroll to the Pricing section of the Store record
  4. Add Currency and Points from the picklist values in the Display Price In field StoreConnect Store Pricing Display Configuration

4. Preparing the Rewards Points section of the Store Record for Reward Points

  1. Scroll to the Rewards Points section of the ‘Beauty Demo Store’ record
  2. ConfigureActivate Points at Order Status; Enter a value for an Order Status that is defined in your StoreConnect store. In this example we will use the ‘Verified’ status
  3. Configure Points Earned With Points Ratio; Enter a ratio where points are earned with the a purchase made with points. We will enter100 as a one-to-one ratio. For example, if a product earns 10 points upon purchase, a ratio value of 100 would earn that same 10 points when this product is purchased with points. By contrast, if a ratio value of 10 would earn 1 point on that same product, if purchased with points
  4. Configure Points Expiry Length; Enter a number to define the number of time units when points will expire. We will enter ‘12’ in this example. Note: it is also possible to set points not to expire by leaving this field and the Points Expiry Unit field below blank
  5. Configure Points Expiry Unit; Select a unit of time that will determine the expiry measure of points earned (Example: ‘Day’, ‘Month’, ‘Year’). We will select ‘Month’
  6. Configure Default Point Usage; Define if points are to be used on the Store record being configured or if it may be combined with other Stores or Store groups. We will select ‘Store’, so that these points apply only to the Beauty Demo Store. Likewise, one alternately select ‘Store Group’ or ‘Any Store’ to extend the redemption potential of these points.

*Deposit Points is the amount of points used a deposit in a purchase transaction. This article deals with setting up points which are earned via a purchase. Please see How to Redeem Reward Points in Salesforce with StoreConnect Customer Commerce to learn how to enable purchases with points for your customers.

StoreConnect Store Pricing Display Configuration

5. Preparing the Price Book Object for Reward Points

Open the StoreConnect “Price Book” record. Insure that the Default Earn Rate is present in the “Price Book” record page layout with its value configured:

  1. Select the Product that will earn Loyalty Points from the ‘Products’ dropdown in StoreConnect CMS app. In this example, we will select ‘Gift Box - romantic’
  2. Look in the ‘Related List ‘ for the ‘Price Books’ entries
  3. Click on the name of the ‘Price Book’ which will earn points
  4. Add a Default Earn Rate value that points are earned. This value is a ratio that the earning of points is calculated on. For Example, if set to 10, a product that cost $10 would earn 100 reward points. In this example, we will set this to ‘1’, for a one-to-one earning ratio.

Store Price Book Configuration

6. Preparing the Price Book Entry Object to earn Reward Points

Open the StoreConnect “Price Book Entry” record for a Product that will earn points upon purchase. Insure that the following fields are present in the “Price Book Entry” record page layout with values configured:

  1. Can Earn Points. This is a checkbox that determines if a customer will be able to earn reward points via the purchase of this product. Enable this value for any product that will earn points. We will enable this configuration.
  1. Earn Points. Enter a number for the amount of points earned when the product is purchased. This works in conjunction with the Can Earned Pointsvalue. Fill in the Purchase Points field if the points earned via the purchase of this product override the Default Points Earn Rate defined in the Store record, or leave blank to use the default rate we set in the step above. We will enter a value of ‘50’ here to enable a standard earning rate of 50 points per purchase in this example.

  2. Earn Bonus Points. Enter a number for the amount of additional points earned when the product is purchased, if desired. This works in conjunction with the Can Earn Points value. We will add ‘10’ here to enable an additional earning of 10 points per purchase.

Price Book Entry Object Configuration

7. Test Reward Points with a Purchase

  1. Navigate to the Home -> Gift Boxes -> Gift Baskets page of the Beauty Demo Store.
  2. Select the ‘Romantic’ variant of the Gift Baskets. Points earnings should be displayed on this variant as in the image at the top of this guide.
  3. Complete the checkout and find your order in Salesforce
  4. Set the order status to a status that will “Activate” your points. In this example, that is ‘Verified’
  5. Select to the “Account” associated to the order Order Status Verified
  6. Navigate to the Account Points Related Lists section of the “Account” record
  7. Verify that entries for “Account Points” are listed in your account Order Object Showing Points
  8. Select the Account Points Ledger record and see that a record has been created from your purchase and linked to your account Order Object Showing Points

Once these steps are completed, contacts associated with your account can be enabled to purchase with points. Please see How to Redeem Reward Points in Salesforce with StoreConnect Customer Commerce to set this up.