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Redeeming Reward Points in Salesforce with StoreConnect Customer Commerce

Enable the redemption of rewards points in minutes with StoreConnect

December 15, 2023

Store credit with reward points is an excellent way to offer value and reward customer loyalty. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling your repeat customers to redeem reward points in your StoreConnect store to keep them coming back.

This guide will use the “Beauty Demo Store”, which is installed with a StoreConnect Trial installation as explained here. We will configure the “Romantic Gift Box” product to be purchased with rewards points. This “Romantic Gift Box” product will have the following rewards points configurations at the end of the steps in this guide:

  • It can be purchased with reward points
  • It will have a normal points price of 120 points, with a points “sale” price of 100 points
  • The product pricing will display the price in both currency and points on the product listing
  • Shipping will be purchased with reward points
  • The shipping cost will have a price of 30 rewards points
  • A contact associated with a Salesforce account will be enabled to use rewards points for purchase
  • These points will apply to the Beauty Demo Store for any product configured to be purchased with reward points, using the same steps listed below

StoreConnect Product Listing with Points Note: This guides illustrates a secondary step in how to redeem reward points in StoreConnect Customer Commerce. Earning rewards points in StoreConnect must be enabled first for this to function correctly. To configure the earning of Rewards Points in StoreConnect, please see the previous guide here

1. Install StoreConnect

This requires StoreConnect to be installed to your Salesforce Org, as described here

Once StoreConnect is installed, four Primary objects/values work in conjunction to enable customers to earn rewards points:

  1. “Store” Entry Configuration
  2. “Price Book” Entry Configuration
  3. “Shipping” Entry Configuration
  4. “Contact” Entry Configuration

Please insure that the user that is editing these configurations has access to these Salesforce Objects listed above, either via a profile or a permission set. The “StoreConnect Admin” Permission Set should allow the appropriate permissions for object access to complete this guide and will be installed automatically with the package

Order Object Configuration

StoreConnect Product showing points to be earned

Learn more about Salesforce Profiles here

Learn more about Salesforce Permissions Sets here

Verify that StoreConnect is installed on your Salesforce org and you have the correct object/field permissions configured, then proceed to the next step.

2. Ensure that your StoreConnect Store is configured to earn points

A Store must be configured to allow the earning of points before an individual customer can spend them. If your store has not been configured to allow for the earning of points, complete these configurations here.

3. Price Book Entry Configuration

Each product that is purchasable with points must have any applicable Price Book Entries configured to allow this:

  1. Create or Edit the Price Book Entry for the product
  2. Insure that Can Purchase with Points is checked
  3. Fill in the Purchase Points field to define the amount of points needed to purchase this product. In this guide/example, we will use a normal Purchase Points price of 120, with a Purchase Points Sale price of 100 in the “Standard Price Book” entry of the “Romantic Gift Box” product. StoreConnect Price Book Entry Points Configuration
  4. Once the Price Book Entry has synced (this can a couple of minutes), check your store and make sure the price now shows in points (as well as currency, if configured as such). Also note that the standard and sale points pricing both display to show those savings in the product listing StoreConnect Product Listing with Points

4. Shipping Configuration (Optional)

Shipping can optionally be enabled to be paid with points. The shipping rate’s conversion to points will be calculated using the price book’s Default Purchase Rate.

  1. Navigate to “Products”
  2. Select the “StoreConnect Shipping” Product
  3. Edit the appropriate “Price Book Entry” by clicking Edit in the dropdown on the right of the Price Book which contains the Price Book Entry to edit StoreConnect Shipping Product Points Configuration
  4. Enable the Can Purchase with Points
  5. Add a purchase price in points for the shipping. We will use a Purchase Points value of 30 in this guide/example StoreConnect Shipping Product Points Configuration

5. Contact Configuration

For each account, you need to specify what contacts are allowed to spend points.

To test being able to spend points, you will need an account with points that you can log in as. If you haven’t already, purchase something that will earn you points and make sure you set a password after checkout so you can log into the StoreConnect store. You will need to be logged into the StoreConnect store to spend your points.

Once you have points for the account:

  1. Open and edit your “Contact” record
  2. Enable the Can Use Account Points checkbox
  3. Click Save

StoreConnect Shipping Product Points Configuration *You may want to allow all contacts to automatically spend points associated with their account and can create a Flow to populate the checkbox on contact creation to automate this configuration.

6. Preview Checkout with Reward Points

  1. Go to your store and navigate to or search the “Romantic Gift Box” product
  2. Make sure you can see a points price, as well as the currency price StoreConnect Product Listing with Points
  3. Add it to your cart
  4. View your cart and enable the “Use Points” checkbox next to the “Romantic Gift Box” listing in the cart Cart Showing Points
  5. Proceed to checkout
  6. Select a shipping method and enable the “Use Points” checkbox (if shipping was configured to be payable with reward points) Shipping Payment Points
  7. Check and ensure that the checkout page shows the product price in points Checkout Shipping Points
  8. Accept the terms and conditions and click the “Purchase” button. Checking out with points should show the “Payment due now” total in points for both the product and shipping in the compact cart section of the checkout page if setup correctly Shipping Payment Points Button

7. Check the Account Points in your StoreConnect store

Once the order is completed, go to Account->Account Points.

StoreConnect Accounts Points Section

Verify that a points listing exists showing the following information:

  1. The Item purchased with points
  2. The amount of points used
  3. The a “Type” entry of Debit
  4. The date that the order was placed StoreConnect shop showing points page

In addition, this page will show the “Current Balance” which is the account has to use to continue to purchase products as well as the “Pending Balance” which is any points owed from a previous purchase.

8. Check Order History and Account Points Ledger

  1. Find/Open your Account in Salesforce
  2. Find the “Orders” section
  3. Insure that the recently completed order is listed there Order Records
  4. Navigate to the “Account Points” section on the same Account record page
  5. Insure that points used to pay for the order are listed in the Accounts Point section with the “Entry Type” listed as Debit Order Record Showing Points Accounts Ledger

9. Check Order Payment Method

  1. Find/Open your order in the “Orders” section of the Account record page
  2. Click to the Related Lists tab of the Order record
  3. Scroll to the “Payments” section
  4. Verify that “Account Points” is listed as the method of payment Order Record Showing Points as Payment Method