Visit the StoreConnect booth at Salesforce World Tour NYC, 4 May 2023

April 21, 2023

StoreConnect is going to New York! We are a sponsor of the Salesforce World Tour in New York city which is being held on Thursday, 4 May 2023, at the Javits Center.

We are very excited to have a booth where we will showcase the power of StoreConnect in providing the first e-Commerce 3.0 solution for small to medium businesses, giving companies back control over user information and systems. All store and customer information is stored natively on Salesforce creating a single Source of Truth.

We have a team flying in from Australia, along with our US team. If you are in New York, come and visit our booth in the main Campground and meet our team who can give you a live demo of StoreConnect eCommerce and answer any questions.

Reach out to to book in a time or just come on by from 8:30am onwards.

Register for World Tour NYC.